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Teach Your OWN Kid! Podcast

Aug 27, 2018

In this week's episode, Arianne discusses ten extra-curricular activities that will make a high schooler's resume more attractive to the best colleges. She says that colleges are looking for young people who can think critically and that one way to develop those critical thinking skills is by gaining experience...

Aug 20, 2018

In today's episode, Arianne discusses how critical it is to set Internet boundaries for kids. With the surge in human trafficking in recent years, this is the time for parents to scroll through their kids' phones and other devices to ensure that they are not falling victim to those that would exploit them. Arianne says...

Aug 13, 2018

In part two of the special Ask the Teacher! Back-to-School episode, Arianne answers questions submitted by members of the Teach Your OWN Kid! community. She even offers advice to a parent in New Jersey who admits that he is not very patient when it comes to helping his kids with homework. 

Aug 6, 2018

In today's episode, Arianne spends time answering questions submitted by the Teach Your OWN Kid! community. She discusses everything from juggling after-school activities to making the house more 'school friendly'.